The moment you've been waiting for - Elizabeth Hope Derby

The moment you’ve been waiting for

Here it is, folks: The moment you’ve all been waiting for.

If I’ve tempted you to open this email, my work is almost done.

Now I will hand you the control switch—

Here you go. 

It’s in your hands.

You now possess the power to do the work that excites you, to pursue the results you truly want, to steward your resources in service of creating a brighter, more joyful world.

Obviously you possessed this power already. I just made you aware once again.

So are you ready? Ready to make magic happen?

Start doing it right now.

Start with the smallest possible step: creating a moment that lights you up.

Create that moment right now.

If you’re still reading this, if you’ve paused long enough to be here, take a deep breath. In and out.

Let’s do that again. In and out.

Now one more time. In … and … out.

Right here and now, I want you to do one really nice thing for yourself. Here are some options:

💜 Stand up and stretch.

💜 Notice if you feel anxious, rushed, or sad and where that feeling is in your body. Put your hands over that spot and beam some love into it.

💜 Declutter one object from your field of view (or go nuts and clear off your whole desk / coffee table / bedspread / living room floor).

💜 Listen to the voice in your head. Is it saying something not-nice to you? Repeat the word “cancel” out loud 3x and choose a different thought.

💜 Drink some water.

💜 Smile. Yep, smile. Grin broadly, like an idiot, until you make yourself laugh because WTF are you even grinning about?

Maybe you’re grinning because it feels good.

Maybe you’re grinning because you are awesome.

Maybe you’re grinning because you have air in your lungs and blood rushing through your veins and a network of magical sparking neurons animating your brain and body and heart.

This moment is it.

This moment is everything.

Make it spacious and joyful and you’ll start to remember that you are the one calling the shots.

You have so much power to create your work and life in a way that feels amazing.

So give yourself some breathing room. A blank canvas in your mind. A pause to stretch out and smile and see what you really want right now.

From this place, it’s just a matter of saying yes and no with discernment. Of curating your moments, one step at a time.

Do the small things that light you up now, and your world will come to life. 

With love,

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