my 3-part framework for transcending self-doubt and building real confidence - Elizabeth Hope Derby

my 3-part framework for transcending self-doubt and building real confidence

Picture this: You’re sitting outside on a sunny day, enjoying a break from work, knowing your most important tasks have been handled and you can simply relax and enjoy.

When you head back to the office—tomorrow or later that afternoon—you feel inspired and reenergized. You are prepped to dive back in, mentally and emotionally. You’ve got the tools, instincts and focus to do what needs to be done in a way that grows the business, your clients, and your team—all while supporting yourself and your family and making a positive impact in the world.

In moments like this, you can honestly say that you LOVE being your own boss. You’re confident in your value and strength as a leader, clear on your vision for your organization, and relishing the rising tide beneath you—the swelling wave of ease and flow that continues to build with every simple, strategic decision you make.

If all of this sounds too good to be true, I’ve got a story for you.

One of my former clients, Caitlin, came to me stressed and struggling to find the clarity she needed to grow her business. By the time we were complete, her confidence had changed completely. She had a renewed understanding of who she was and how she wanted to run her business—all of which allowed her to hire a perfect-fit assistant, streamline working with clients, and bill two-thirds of her annual income in just 2 months.

What’s especially cool about Caitlin is that after she applied the tools and skills she developed during our work together to rise to her next level of professional success, she used them again—this time to navigate new motherhood and the next chapter of her career. Throughout huge changes in her external circumstances, she continued to deepen her confidence and alignment in life and business.

This is my wish for all of my clients, and for you, dear reader: that you receive the support you need to own your brilliance as a professional, a woman, and a human being. 

I’m sincerely committed to being a force for good in your life. And that means helping you build and expand your compassion, resilience, and creative power so that you continue to design and fully enjoy life and work on your terms. 

That can look as grandiose as waking up each day full of passion and purpose and doing the soul-work you came here to do. Or it can look as simple as a long, sunny lunch break where you savor the fruits of your current success.

My clients have done both—and trust me, you can too.

Caitlin is just one example of what’s possible when you start to transcend self-doubt and build your professional confidence. Whether you focus on elevating your leadership in business, creative pursuits, or personal life, your efforts will inevitably spill over and serve all other areas.

When I worked with Caitlin, and when I work with all my clients, we leverage a three-part framework to make the magic happen.

The 3 parts of the framework are:

1) brave baby steps

2) inner support systems

3) outer support systems

Think of them like the three legs of a stool. Each leg helps create a stable seat, a foundation for you to build from.

If you want to cultivate REAL self-confidence—the kind that roots in your soul, survives many seasons, and elevates every area of your life—you need all three parts at play.

Caitlin leveraged these tools to support her in growing her brand and business in a steady, consistent, and authentic way. All of which allowed her to make massive leaps forward without feeling burned out or exhausted in the process.

Now it’s your turn.

As you continue your leadership journey in the coming weeks and months, I have a gift for you: a live recording of my signature masterclass, The Courage to Create.

This masterclass combines step-by-step training with hands-on exercises. Think of it like a DIY workshop to kickstart your confidence while taking specific, focused action toward your current leadership goals. 


(Haven’t had the time to clarify what your current goals are? This class will give you the time and space to think those through a bit and identify at least one you can move on this week.)


The masterclass lasts about 70 minutes and is one of the most powerful tools I’ve ever created. 

To download your copy, click here.

When you sign up to download the class, you’ll receive three things via email: 

  • A guided audio training with my 3-part framework for transcending self-doubt and building your confidence as a badass boss babe (i.e. a female leader in business)
  • A PDF of the training slides that illustrate abstract concepts using potent visuals and simple diagrams 
  • A fillable worksheet to help you apply this framework to your life right now

I’m thrilled to be able to offer you this download to support your growth and success. I’d love to hear your ah-has, insights, or wins after putting it into practice.

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