"But you're so successful!" {part 2} - Elizabeth Hope Derby

“But you’re so successful!” {part 2}

Two weeks ago, we discussed how common it is for high-achieving women in business to struggle with feeling like a fraud.

As women, we’ve been acculturated to minimize our power, and as human beings, we’re neurologically wired to focus on the negative.

All of that means we tend to avoid seeing the good in ourselves and our work. 

To make a practice out of owning our power (in our own heads or out in public) can feel excruciatingly vulnerable.

So we work hard, give clients and projects our all, and plaster smiles on our faces in the desperate hope no one can see past the facade. 

Unfortunately, this can make you feel like you’re living a lie. Which wears away your self-esteem even further. 

No wonder it’s so hard for us to feel as confident on the inside as we appear on the outside!

Most women, I’ve noticed, will do anything to avoid acknowledging and appreciating their current success. 

They’ll hustle like fiends, rate themselves against Instagram, and fixate on all they have yet to do, could do, or did imperfectly—all so they can avoid digesting the depth and richness of the impact they’ve already had.

If that sounds like you, please know you’re not alone. There’s nothing bad or broken about you. 

But if you want to break the cycle of feeling like a fraud, you need to consciously override the story that says “my worth is up for debate”. 

You need to PRACTICE validating yourself no matter what circumstances OR your inner critic says.

Here is a very simple exercise you can use to acknowledge your worth, validate your value, and build self-confidence from the inside out–all without exposing yourself to public scrutiny.

Literally breathe it in.

 Take 30 seconds right now to visualize yourself inhaling your intrinsic worth.

Breathe in deeply, feeling the air move through your body. Notice how affirming this is.

Imagine your inherent enoughness is swirling like oxygen, drawing deep through your blood and bones.

Take 30 seconds right now to do this. 

Inhale while repeating the words “I am enough.” 

Exhale any doubt.

Inhale the words “I am already powerful enough.” 

Exhale any fear.

Inhale the words “I am already wise enough.”

Exhale any argument. 

Inhale the words “I have everything I need to succeed.”

Exhale anything that wants to go..

Do this exercise as many times as you need to feel grounded, calm, and centered. See yourself as a lighthouse, a pillar of wisdom and strength, perfect in your imperfection.

Remind yourself of what you’re capable of and how far you’ve already come. 

Let the life-giving value of your breath nourish you like water in the desert. Let yourself bloom and receive the enoughness of who you already are.

If you want to turbocharge your experience, write down a list of 5 specific achievements you’ve created recently. These can be personal or professional; just choose wins that feel meaningful to YOU.

Once you’re done brainstorming, savor each item on the list like a piece of rich dark chocolate. Let it linger in your consciousness; let it dissolve in your brain and your heart. 

Practice doing the vulnerable thing of being seen in your full radiance—simply by seeing yourself.

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