The Quiz - Elizabeth Hope Derby


Fun fact: Mind control is possible! Chances are, you’re already using it.

If you’re a chronic perfectionist, over-thinker, or delayer of your own dreams—OR you struggle with feeling like a fraud or imposter in your business—then I guarantee your inner critic has its grips on your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

You are literally caught in the throes of mind control, courtesy of that sneaky voice in your head.

You know, the voice that tells you ‘you’re not good enough to succeed, your work isn’t good enough yet, you don’t know what you’re doing.” The same voice that looks at other people doing what you want to do and says “She’s better than you, she’s got it all figured out, he’s born or blessed with skills and genius you will never have…”

Ever notice how your inner critic pipes up whenever you set out to achieve some new or audacious goal? To take time for yourself, or revel in pure pleasure, or go all in on the pursuit of your dream.

That’s because it’s trying to keep you “safe” in the limbic sense…which only keeps you playing small.

Enough already. That voice has GOT to stop running the show.

You’ll never eliminate your inner critic completely (because you’re human, as am I, and that’s okay), but you can absolutely lessen its intensity, defang its words, and unhook its claws from your emotions and ability to take creative action.

One of my favorite ways to counteract your inner critic is to use mind control on yourself.

Control your mind, and you take back your power to DO the thing you truly want to do.

When you start managing your thoughts and your mind on purpose, you can reclaim your courage, show up and serve from abundance, and start playing full out for your dreams.

One simple way to start managing your mind is by collecting evidence of the ways you’ve succeeded in life. As you reflect, catalogue, and digest your wins and strengths, you fill your mind with positive thoughts about your power and prowess. And that self-acknowledgement begins counteracting the unconscious gunk running on autopilot.

I created this quiz to help you get started with managing your mind.

It’s designed to help you recognize your way of thinking—and elevate the way you see yourself.

Now let’s get started!



The quiz is 10 questions and 3-5 minutes from start to finish.

If you feel yourself drawn to several different answers, go with your gut and choose the one that feels most true for you.

Once you finish the quiz, you’ll be able to download a PDF with:

  • a description of your Archetype, including strengths and shadows
  • a challenge to help you start speaking your truth
  • a customized affirmation to empower you on your journey

See you on the other side!

Begin Quiz

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