Do you know the origin story of the goddess Athena? |
Greek legend has it she sprang fully formed from her father’s head after he swallowed her pregnant mother whole. Zeus got a crippling headache, begged a fellow god to split his immortal head open with an axe, and boom! There she was, all grown up and wearing armor like a battle-hardened warrior. It’s a crazy story. But what’s even crazier then the idea of a woman born fully grown, spouting divine wisdom is how often we fall into the trap of expecting ourselves to do just that. Why do we, as creative service providers and would-be leaders in our chosen fields, insist upon forcing ourselves to show up into the world like Athena? Why do we demand that we spring fully formed onto the stage of life? Whether you’re wanting to share a new thought-piece on social media, present your big idea as a workshop, or start talking about your latest offer someplace other than in your head, you’re likely to find yourself suffering from Athena Complex. You tell yourself you’re not ready, you need to be perfectly wise, full grown and fully formed. You stall while you gather the glittering armor of certainty, credentials and accolades. You hold back your overdue emergence by fighting your newness and nerves. Sound familiar? Can you relate? Of course you can. As long as you pursue your potential, as long as you strive to grow, you’re going to run headlong into your version of Athena Complex. With every pivot on the path of your purpose, every answer to the call in your heart, you’re going to enter an uncomfortable space where you don’t have all the answers. But when you reach that copse of confusion, you always have a choice. You can fall for the lie that you must be a goddess, perfectly formed and profoundly wise. You can tell yourself you’re not good enough yet and incubate in your brain one day more. You can play it safe. Avoid the risk. Bow down to the myth in your mind. Or you can plant your feet on the ground and throw your shoulders back. You can lock eyes with your fear and stop fighting yourself. You can caress your soft imperfections and honor your animal instincts. You can stand where you are, see the scope of your dreams, and acknowledge the space between them. Not by hiding and holding back, but by stepping into the light of your life and letting yourself be seen. There’s no denying that this moment in time might be one of the hardest you’ve lived through. It might also be one of the brightest. No doubt it’s a period of profound transformation, no matter what things look like around you. Consider this time your call to adventure. A challenge across the board. It’s proof that you don’t need to be a literal legend to live a legendary life. You are creative and capable and possess more depths of courage than you know right now. And. And. And! If these words find you in the midst of creative or career upheaval—if you are struggling to DO THE DAMN THING— If you are desperate to get out of your brain, leave self-doubt in the dust, and do the work that aligns with your soul— I can help you do it. Truth is, most of us are trained to doubt ourselves. In the quest to realize our full potential, we get confused, overwhelmed, and frustrated by a combo of nature and nurture. I’m on a mission to help you transcend the voice in your head that tells you you can’t succeed. Together, we’ll get you aligned with your vision, reconnected with your power, and taking consistent, confident action to create your next-level business and life. Are you ready to stop getting in your own way? If yes, contact me here. Tell me one thing you do to sabotage your success—and what you want to do instead. I’ll help you get clear on how to break free. No goddess status required. |