Do you ever find yourself scrolling through social media, your inbox, or an internet ‘research’ wormhole and feeling like absolute CRAP because the other entrepreneurs and experts in your field are absolutely crushing it? You see them spouting off clever captions, pitch-perfect headlines, and announcements about their latest successes… You look at photos that show them literally glowing with confidence… And all of it makes you feel like your dreams are further away than ever? Next time you fall into the trap of comparison-itis, turn that ish OFF. Turn off the story you’re telling yourself about why you don’t measure up. I totally get that in these moments, you truly DON’T believe you can compare yourself to them. It looks like those boss babes have something you don’t—a secret sauce, a magical answer, a blessing from God that allows them to succeed and look like fire while they do it. Sure, it SEEMS logical. Some things are inherited—like my terrible vision and perfect teeth, for instance. I got glasses at age 6 and never had braces, and both were gifts from my parents. But confidence isn’t like that. Confidence comes with practice. Confidence comes with showing up and doing the work that scares us and giving ourselves tremendous love and support along the way. Most of us buy the lie that confidence “chooses” certain people and not others. If you’ve been believing that, don’t beat yourself up—you’re human and 1000% normal. The next time you find yourself LONGING for confidence, dig a little deeper. Ask yourself: Why does the thing you want feel so far away? What flavor of fear is creeping up inside of you? – Maybe you’re scared of putting yourself and your heart out there. (Who wouldn’t be?) – Maybe you’re avoiding the panic you associate with potential rejection. (You’re not the only one.) – Maybe you’d rather sidestep the raw vulnerability of taking a stand for yourself. (Claiming your brilliance for all the world to see—that shit can be terrifying!) See the fear under the surface of your thoughts. Know that that very fear is the reason you don’t feel confident (yet). Fear is stopping you from taking the action you need to take to become the person you want to be—confident, resplendent, a total boss. Remember: When you’re feeling scared and small, everything looks bigger. Including other people’s light. The truth is, no one around you has anything you don’t—except, perhaps, practice. Practice and the ability to integrate positive lessons learned along the journey. Other people’s confidence didn’t come through genetics or a beam of light from God. Maybe an awesome photo filter, yes. Or maybe lots of practice. Repeat after me: You are not less because other women look like more. One day, on the far side of braver action and deeper self-love than you’ve known this far, you will find that light of yours was shining all along. Save this post as a reminder of how bright you are shining (even when you’re feeling small). |