…and instead of feeling fantastic and proud of yourself, you nose-dived into anxiety and self-doubt?
For me, it was two weeks ago, when I submitted an application to a speaking engagement that’s been on my list for a long time now.
I expected to feel triumphant. Because I was owning my genius in a public way, pitching a topic and talk I genuinely adore, and taking concrete action to live out my dreams.
In reality, I felt like hot garbage. Because the truth is that sometimes, getting what you want doesn’t feel good. (Cue horrified gasps.)
So if you’ve ever:
– received payment at your new awesome rate
– gotten that press coverage you’ve been craving
– booked your biggest client ever
– hired a new employee or assistant
– invested $$$ in a consultant or coach
– delegated the work of serving clients to a team member
And found yourself spiraling with anxiety, fear, or other forms of mind drama (instead of paroxysms of joy), you are not alone.
I’ve experienced this surprising phenomenon many times, and I’ve helped many, many clients work through the same hump. (Gay Hendricks calls it the “upper limit problem”, which he details in his book The Big Leap.)
Today, I want to give you some simple support to navigate your upper limit the next time it shows up.

To watch the video on Youtube, click the image above.
To read the complete transcript, click here.
Have you experienced this phenomenon in the past, or are you going through it now?
Comment below and let me know how it’s shown up for you. I’m all ears!