Happy Halloween!
In the spirit of the season, today I want to share 3 of my favorite witchy and woo-woo tools for strengthening your leadership and business.
I love sharing these kinds of tools with my clients because they’re such a powerful antidote to traditional business thinking and decision-making.
Most lessons in entrepreneurial growth and career success focus on picking a big goal, running after it as fast as possible, and demolishing any obstacles that get in the way of rapid, relentless progress.
But what about when the culture itself is the problem? What if you’re trying to build a sustainable, values-driven, emotionally satisfying work life, while swimming in a culture that praises toxic hustle, emotional bypassing, and unceasing productivity?
When you find yourself in this position—and that’s totally you, if you’re reading this—you may find yourself struggling to pinpoint what’s NOT working, why your work feels so draining, or diagnose yourself as the problem for lacking discipline, inspiration, energy, and focus.
You look at your own normal, healthy desires for peace, ease, flow, and calm, through the eyes of the water you swim in. You see yourself and your needs as obstacles standing between you and the achievement of greatness.
And what do we do to obstacles that stand in our way? We demolish them. We push them down, shove them aside, and abuse or shame ourselves for our fundamental needs because we’ve been taught to prioritize our productivity above our welfare.
I love the concept of being a witch in your business—a woman-identifying person who invokes the power of mystical, magical forces to get what she wants—because it speaks to the subversive, rebellious, larger-than-life commitment that’s often required to move in ways that counter the status quo.
There are countless ways you can leverage witchy energy in your career and business creation.
As a coach, I’m all about helping you discover what’s RIGHT about you, not wrong, and strengthening those creative, powerful forces to help you create the lifestyle and legacy you truly want.
We teach you to cultivate a bubble of safety and self-care that allows you to navigate the often toxic waters you swim in, and we give you tools and opportunities to practice moving toward your goals in ways that align with your natural rhythms, life-force, and intelligence.
You have the ability to get clear on what you truly want and how you want to do it, no matter how outside forces have conditioned you otherwise. You get to stand up to your own inner critic (and outer bullies), assert the genius of your unique desires, and commit to going there in ways that feel true to you.
One of my favorite ways to get you in touch with your magic is by expanding the way you think about yourself and your business challenges.
Most people approach their daily workload and problems with the rational, strategic, disciplined, hardworking part of their minds.
Let’s say you have more urgent tasks on your plate than you can possibly get done today.
Your rational brain assumes this is a problem you must solve ASAP. It may guide you to prioritizing based on what you think will please other people, tell you to hurry up and work harder, have you skipping lunch and ignoring your kids. In an attempt to do everything, you feel the frantic urge to squeeze every last second out of your workday and beat yourself up when you lie in bed at night because of course you couldn’t do it all. You brain frets and worries about who you’ve displeased, imagines to a catastrophic future where you lose all your clients, and generally makes you feel like garbage even though you honestly tried your best.
Not exactly a recipe for enjoying your business, is it?
What I want to offer you is that you can open your mind and look at the whole “problem” through different eyes. You can expand your thinking beyond black-and-white problem-solving per the mandates of productivity culture.
Instead of diving right into the challenge of “too much to do” and treating it like a monster you need to wrestle and best, you can take a big step back and wonder if your current workload is actually a problem. Do YOU really need to do everything on that list? Does every task actually matter? Are you ready to hire, delegate, or drop certain items from your agenda?
To go even bigger, what’s motivating your hurry? Are you feeling urgency because it’s a legit business issue, or is a longer-standing fact that you’re latching onto because you want something to occupy your brain? Are you maybe avoiding something deeper inside your heart, a life challenge or sensation you don’t want to sit still with? Does racing around help you feel the peace and calm you want, or does it just help you keep pace with the heartbeat you’re currently pounding after 3 cups of coffee and no exercise?
And if you discover that your true motivation is to take care of your clients, team members, or folks in your family, will rushing to please every person in your orbit actually give you the presence and healthy relationship dynamics you’re wanting? Speaking of pleasing, does all of this meet your genuine need to please yourself?
I could go on, but the point here is that your rational brain offers a limited perspective. It’s not always the best judge of how you should spend your energy or what actions you need to take to thrive.
So rather than depend exclusively on the rational side of your brain to make leadership and business decisions, you’d be well-served to temper those “get-shit-done” strategies with ideas and insights from your creative, artistic, intuitive, and spiritual self.
Think of it like The X-Files. That show was awesome because Mulder and Scully worked together to find solutions. (Also because they were totally in love and the will-they-wont-they dynamic kept certain people [cough cough] obsessed for more than a decade.)
When you give yourself free reign to explore, examine, and make decisions about how to lead and run your business from both sides of your brain, you’re far more likely to create solutions that are self-aware and inventive, and therefore easier and more sustainable.
Blend witchy and woo-woo thinking techniques with your everyday get-shit-done talents, and you’ll find that growth happens more organically and naturally, in a way that feels like flow.
So without further ado, I’m giving you my 3 favorite witchy and woo-woo tools for becoming a wiser, more powerful leader.
Inside this video, you will discover:
🌙 a monthly moon ritual to supercharge your productivity
🔮 how to use tarot cards to shine new light on sticky business challenges
✨ a simple practice for making decisions that feel powerful and right, even if you can’t predict the future
You’ll learn why “woo-woo” techniques are vital to your success as an entrepreneur…
…AND you’ll get practical advice for applying these 3 specific tools in your everyday life.
Ready to tune in? Click the image below to watch the video on YouTube.

Prefer to read instead of watch? Click here to access a PDF transcript of this video.
Let’s face it: Running a successful, sustainable business doesn’t happen by accident.
You need the creativity, courage, and long-haul conviction to navigate the inevitable storms and sunshine you’ll face over the lifetime of your business.
There are a million courses, classes, and free trainings you can watch to become a better leader. The real question is, do they teach you to be YOU in your business, and use your magic to lead from the inside out? Or are they teaching you to follow a cookie-cutter formula of success that doesn’t actually work for your values, dreams, and desired lifestyle?
If you’re ready to step into your version of leadership—to activate the unique and brilliant forces at work inside your own heads and hearts, and leveraging those ideas and instincts to guide and grow your business WITHOUT sacrificing your body, integrity, and personal joy to do it, I would love to chat about working together.
To find out if private coaching together is a great fit for you, apply for a free call with me. Simply click this link, fill out the short form, and I will respond via email within 48 hours.
Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy, very magical Halloween!
P.S. If you want to get on the list to be notified about my upcoming women’s circles, sign up using the link at the bottom of this page: https://elizabethhopederby.com/womens-circles/
P.P.S. One more time: to schedule a free call to discus private coaching with me, click here: https://elizabethhopederby.com/contact